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In-depth insight into the areas that matter most

One of the most powerful personal growth tools we offer is a bespoke 360° Feedback process. In addition to being an integral part of our All Inclusive Executive Coaching programme, this tool can be used as a stand-alone feedback process.


Each question is targetted to offer in-depth insight into the areas that matter to you the most – those areas that perhaps are holding you back, or that you know you need to develop in order to take you to the next level. The process is a qualitative rather than quantative one, which means you receive specific examples and anecdotal evidence that is practically helpful, instead of graphs and charts alone.

The process is confidential, enabling those completing the questionnaire on your behalf to be as honest as possible, which means you receive feedback ‘wart and all’, yet in a safe environment, facilitated by one of our experienced Executive Coaches. They will help you explore what the feedback means and what actions and areas of development you need to focus on.  Our clients say that this is one of the most beneficial tools they have ever used, as it opens up and explores areas that they were previously unaware of.


​Please contact us to discuss your requirements and find out how WorkingWell can help you.

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