Offering confidence, knowledge and guidance
Coaching can help support the development outcomes from a diagnostic - it helps the individual to acknowledge their responses, understand more about what gets in the way of effective pressure management and see that they have choices about how they respond to pressure - how they can use it as a positive energy.
Coaching is offered by qualified, professional coaches who are supervised and abide by recognised Codes of Conduct. It is solution focused, pro-active, and leads to greater self awareness and self-esteem, personal responsibility and ownership of behaviour. It increases the potential for long term sustainable change.
In a survey by the CIPD, when asked the question: Overall, have the coaching initiatives you’ve implemented had an impact on a) the individual and b) the organization, the response was as follows:
Source: Does Coaching Work? A report prepared for the Coaching at Work conference for the CIPD Sept 2005.
Executive Coaching
It’s fair to say that approximately 90% of the content of ‘off the shelf’ training courses is either already known or just not that relevant to you. This is why an Executive Coaching approach is a much more viable option, both economically and in terms of genuine learning. Our team of highly experienced Coaches offer an All Inclusive Package that is individually bespoked for you. It will help you develop a deeper insight into yourself, your thinking, your behaviours and how other people see you – and then it will challenge those very perceptions, enabling you to become the very best version of yourself.
It’s a well known fact that those at the top have coaches to get them – and keep them – there. Whether you’re a manager transitioning into leadership, or a leader who is ready for their next challenge, our All Inclusive Executive Coaching Programme will give you the confidence, knowledge and guidance to get you there.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements and find out how WorkingWell might be able to help you.