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Inspiring managers to keep their teams running smoothly

Our ½ or full day workshops promote and achieve a shift in leadership mind set - away from fear of involvement with the specifics of the issue towards excitement at the performance opportunities that can flow from more leadership skill and confidence in the area.


We aim to inspire managers to learn more and do more to manage pressure more proactively in their teams.


We do this by helping them understand the dynamic relationship that exists between sources of pressure, team/individual coping strategies and personality differences and the effect these have on performance outcomes.

By the end of the sessions managers can:


  • Feel confident to offer ‘emotional first aid’ when required

  • Know where and how to refer an employee for further, more specialist help if needed

  • Know why they need to take the issue seriously

  • Understand the difference between pressure and stress and the corresponding health risks and performance opportunities

  • Identify the early signs of stress and burnout

  • Adopt Supportive behaviours

  • Dealing with anger, tears, withdrawal

  • Help others to be solution rather than problem focussed

  • Describe the best practice approach for managing pressure in their team.

Our experience is that this material is best covered in a workshop environment where the emphasis is on learning by enjoyment rather than endurance. Typically our training workshops contain a mixture of short bursts of instruction on a particular topic before breaking in to groups to carry out an exercise that reinforces the learning point being made and lifts the energy level.


It is envisaged that managers will come to the workshop having completed the one of our diagnostic tools to help anchor the discussion to some group data that they have contributed to. As part of this process they will also have received a confidential Personal Profile, which they can bring to the workshop to aid discussion around how their perceptions may vary to those of their direct reports.

​Please contact us to discuss your specific training requirements and find out how WorkingWell can help you.

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